A little running analysis from Spain

While in Spain for our annual training camp we had the opportunity to film a number of our athletes running, which gives rise to some interesting points for discussion.


We all know that moving through the year we have to change the training we do, in terms of volume, intensity, type of training, but any idea why?  I’ve put a blog entry together that goes through periodisation so you can see why we do what we do.

The season kicks off!

Javier Gomez and Anne Haug win and a reminder that the run session this Tuesday will be at the Mile End Stadium. Remember your £2.90 entry fee.

To CSS or not to CSS?

If you read the triathlon magazines, forums and blogs etc. you will have seen some debate about CSS training. 

Is 180 the magic number?

It is well accepted by many people, both coaches and athletes, that a cadence of 180 steps per minute is optimal. Where does the number come from?